Документальний фільм "Diversity and Tolerance in My Country"
"Our National Dress and Dishes" онлайн показ мод та віртуальний кулінарний майстер-клас.
Друга онлайн зустріч членів клубу SPEAKING CLUB
Метою даного проекту було зацікавити та залучити якомога більшу кількість учнів гімназії до участі в англійському проекті та представити своє рідне місто на міжнародному рівні.
Пошук інформації, робота індивідуально та в групах, створення презентацій і фрагментів фільмів врешті решт дали базу для грандіозної виставки матеріалів англійською мовою, яку гімназисти готували протягом декількох місяців. Результатом виставки робіт учнів стала презентація путівника міста Бровари англійською мовою. Дякуємо учням гімназії, які під керівництвом своїх викладачів англійської мови представили рідне місто на належному рівні поряд із трьома сотнями шкіл 70 країн світу.
Project overview – what we did and who did it
At first the teachers of English and their students chose the idea of the project and decided to arrange a Cambridge English week at school. Then the teachers and the students brainstormed the ideas about the issues that can be researched during the project. It was decided to start the work with taking photos of different interesting places of the town. After that the project group leaders collected all the photos that the students had brought and the children guessed where these places are in their town.
When all of the photos were stuck to the map of Brovary and the main information was written nearby, the teachers and the students displayed their work at the school hall so that the whole school was able to see the result. The children really liked the idea of working together in a new way and inspired the others with their enthusiasm. Moreover, the students prepared amazing poems about their native town composed by themselves being inspired by the project.
The project supported our English language learning because
The project engaged the students into investigation, inspired learners in active learning and critical thinking. Project work helped to develop the full range of the learners capabilities. The children learnt to work in a team, they asked and refined questions, debated ideas, made predictions, designed plans, collected and analyzed data, drew conclusions and communicated their ideas and findings to others. The project was very creative in terms of both content and language.
The childrens motivation increased. The project increased parent involvement as well. Our students had a wonderful chance to use English language in real life situations.
Here are the links to the video and the presentation that were made during our project: